Good friends and a bottle of Douro.
So, Manuel and I have been on the move quite a lot lately. Who's Manuel? He's a long-time friend who was kind enough to join me on a Lisbon – Malaga trip in the middle of December. Why? you might ask, I have no idea, other than the fact that one doesn’t choose their relatives, but thankfully, the same doesn’t apply to friends. So here we are.
I think the video is pretty self-explanatory. It recounts the tale of two young adults. We were on the verge of a cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, chilling on a farm in semi-frozen temperatures at dawn (all good as soon as the sun came up), and grilling fish in the middle of nowhere as the sun disappeared behind a crimson curtain.
I have a high fever right now, so please take what I say with a pinch of marine salt, but this stretch of the journey has been nothing short of amazing. As we said goodbye to the Andalusian sun, I left Ivano, our trusty motorhome, on Spanish ground. I watched it disappear behind a hill, awaiting our return at the beginning of January, looking forward to the next phase of the project: focus on the writing and more writing. Love you all: relatives and otherwise.